Top 10 Essential Oils Every RV Traveler Should Have

Life on the road is filled with adventure, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. Whether it’s managing stress, staying healthy, or just creating a comfortable living space in your RV, essential oils can be an indispensable part of your travel toolkit. 

We want to share the top 10 essential oils every RV traveler should have, all conveniently included in the doTERRA Home Essentials Kit. These oils not only help you navigate the ups and downs of RV life but also keep you and your family healthy and happy on the road.

Why DoTERRA Essential Oils? Here is a great short explanation from our co-founder. doTERRA essential oils are renowned for their unparalleled purity and potency, ensuring that you receive the highest quality natural solutions for your health and wellness needs. Sourced responsibly and tested rigorously, doTERRA oils offer safe, effective, and consistent benefits, making them a trusted choice for both daily use and specific therapeutic applications.

1. Peppermint (15 mL)

  • Benefits: Peppermint essential oil is a must-have for any RV traveler. It’s known for its ability to relieve headaches, soothe digestive issues, and provide a cooling sensation that’s perfect for those hot days on the road.
  • How to Use: Apply a drop to your temples and the back of your neck to relieve tension headaches, or inhale deeply for an energy boost during long drives. You can also add a drop to water for a refreshing drink that aids digestion. This also helps get rid of ants, put some peppermint on cottonballs!

2. Lemon (15 mL)

  • Benefits: Lemon oil is incredibly versatile, with properties that cleanse and purify both your body and your environment. It’s great for detoxifying, boosting your mood, and even cleaning your RV. 

How to Use: Add a few drops to a spray bottle with water to create a natural, non-toxic cleaner for countertops and surfaces in your RV. You can also add a drop to your water to support healthy digestion and hydration.

3. Deep Blue® (5 mL)

  • Benefits: Traveling can be tough on your muscles, especially after long hikes or setting up camp. Deep Blue® is a powerful blend designed to soothe and relax sore muscles and joints.
  • How to Use: Massage Deep Blue® into your muscles after a day of physical activity. Its cooling and warming sensation provides instant relief and helps you unwind. We love the Deep Blue Stick on a hike too!

4. Lavender (15 mL)

  • Benefits: Lavender is well-known for its calming and relaxing properties. It’s perfect for winding down after a long day of travel and ensuring a good night’s sleep, even in unfamiliar surroundings.
  • How to Use: Diffuse Lavender in your RV before bedtime to create a peaceful atmosphere, or add a few drops to your pillow for a restful sleep. You can also use it to soothe minor skin irritations or insect bites. Another FAVORITE is the Serenity Sleep System! 

5. doTERRA Breathe® (15 mL)

  • Benefits: Breathing can become challenging in different climates or high-altitude locations. doTERRA Breathe® is a blend that promotes clear airways and easy breathing, making it essential for any road trip.
  • How to Use: Diffuse doTERRA Breathe® in your RV during the night to support clear breathing, or apply a drop to your chest before hiking or other outdoor activities. This has been a life-saver when we have respiratory issues/colds.

6. DigestZen® (15 mL)

  • Benefits: Digestive issues are common while traveling, especially when trying new foods or eating on the go. DigestZen® is a blend designed to support healthy digestion and alleviate discomfort.
  • How to Use: Rub a few drops of DigestZen® on your stomach after meals to soothe indigestion, bloating, or motion sickness. You can also add a drop to water for internal support. (We also always have DigestZen Softgels too!)

7. doTERRA On Guard® (15 mL)

  • Benefits: Staying healthy on the road is a top priority. doTERRA On Guard® is a protective blend that supports your immune system, helping you fend off seasonal threats and maintain your well-being.
  • How to Use: Diffuse On Guard® in your RV to purify the air, or apply it to the bottoms of your feet daily to support your immune system. You can also use it to clean surfaces, especially in high-traffic areas. (There are so many different Onguard products!)

8. Tea Tree (15 mL)

  • Benefits: Tea Tree oil is a powerful cleansing agent, making it perfect for both personal care and RV maintenance. It’s also known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties.
  • How to Use: Use Tea Tree oil to clean and disinfect surfaces in your RV. For personal care, apply it to your skin to soothe blemishes or use it as a natural deodorant. We also combine this and lavender to soothe ear aches by diluting it in a roller bottle and rubbing down the neck.

9. Oregano (15 mL)

  • Benefits: Oregano is one of the most potent essential oils, known for its immune-boosting properties. It’s a natural antibiotic that can help protect you from common colds and other illnesses.
  • How to Use: Take Oregano oil internally in a veggie capsule to support your immune system, especially during flu season or when you feel under the weather. You can also use it in cooking for added flavor and health benefits.

10. Frankincense (15 mL)

  • Benefits: Often referred to as the “king of oils,” Frankincense is known for its powerful healing properties. It supports healthy cellular function, reduces inflammation, and promotes overall wellness.
  • How to Use: Apply Frankincense to your skin to reduce the appearance of blemishes or scars. You can also diffuse it to promote relaxation and a meditative atmosphere, perfect for unwinding after a long day. This prevented Rob from having a panic attack! Amazing for stressful situations!

Bonus: The Laluz Diffuser (This comes in the Home Essentials Kit)

  • Benefits: The Laluz Diffuser is the perfect companion for your essential oils, allowing you to enjoy their benefits throughout your RV. It’s compact, stylish, and ideal for creating a calming environment on the road.
  • How to Use: Use the Laluz Diffuser to fill your RV with the soothing scents of your favorite oils. Whether you need to relax, energize, or purify your space, this diffuser makes it easy to enjoy the therapeutic benefits of essential oils.

TIP: For seasonal allergies, diffuse Lavender, Lemon, and Peppermint together! 

These essential oils are more than just a luxury; they are a necessity for anyone living the RV lifestyle. From maintaining your health to enhancing your environment, these oils provide a natural, effective solution to the challenges of life on the road. We are so thankful, especially when we are not in our domicile of Florida. We have saved so much money by being able to treat things naturally at home, in the middle of the night, or even while on a long hike! 

Essential oils can be used in several ways to maximize their benefits, depending on your needs and preferences. Here’s a quick overview:

  • Aromatically: Using oils aromatically is one of the quickest ways to experience their effects. Simply inhaling the aroma directly from the bottle, using a diffuser, or placing a drop on your hands and cupping them over your nose allows the essential oil molecules to quickly enter the respiratory system, providing benefits like mood enhancement, respiratory support, and air purification.
  • Topically: Applying oils directly to the skin allows them to be absorbed into the bloodstream. This method is ideal for targeted benefits, such as soothing sore muscles or calming irritated skin. Always dilute essential oils with a carrier oil like fractionated coconut oil when applying them topically, especially if you have sensitive skin.
  • Digestively: Some essential oils are safe for internal use, offering a way to support your health from the inside out. For instance, oils like Lemon, Peppermint, and DigestZen® can be added to water, used in cooking, or taken in a veggie cap for easy consumption. When taking oils internally, it’s important to use only high-quality, therapeutic-grade oils like doTERRA’s. Veggie caps are a convenient way to ingest essential oils safely, especially for those who prefer not to taste the oil directly.
  • Diffusing: Diffusing is a popular way to enjoy essential oils, especially in an RV. A diffuser disperses the oil into the air, filling your space with its aroma while providing therapeutic benefits. This method is perfect for purifying the air, enhancing relaxation, or energizing your environment.


With the doTERRA Home Essentials Kit, you’re equipped with everything you need to keep your family safe, healthy, and happy on your travels. Best part is when you use my link you get a FREE Customer Wholesale account that gives you 25% off retail (the SAME pricing I get!) 

Ready to stock your RV with these must-have essentials? Learn more about the doTERRA Home Essentials Kit and how it can enhance your journey. 

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